Hosting terms

- Mar 03, 2025

Born Digital hosts all websites and applications in Azure, using Azure’s Platform as a Service hosting offering.

For customers that don't have their own dedicated hosting solution, there are two hosting options available:

  1. Shared Resources hosting
  2. Dedicated Resources hosting

Shared Resources

Shared resource hosting is a set of hosting resources shared amongst multiple websites.

The benefit of using shared resource hosting is that the cost of the hosting resources can be shared between multiple users, decreasing hosting costs to our clients.

These pools consist of a maximum of 20 applications sharing one App Service Plan. Usage and resource utilisation is actively managed by Born Digital to balance CPU and memory utilisation. Our target is a maximum of 80% resource utilisation to include enough headroom for utilisation spikes of individual websites.

The shared App Service Plan is on a Premium v3 tier. Note: Azure also has a tier called “Shared” with inferior performance, which we do not use.

Dedicated Resources

If shared resource hosting is unsuitable, either due to website/application or client requirements, dedicated hosting can be used instead. Dedicated resource hosting is where the hosting resources are dedicated to a single client or website/application. The cost is significantly higher than hosting in shared resources.

The advantage of dedicated resources is that the resources are dedicated to the website/application being hosted.

Hosting terms

Support hours and monitoring

The regular hours of service and incident management are:

Monday – Friday, 09:00 to 17:00 NZST (excl. public holidays).

Clients that do not have an SLA agreement are only supported during these hours. For more detail please refer to this page Code warranty and Service Level Agreements


Penetration or load testing

Clients are required to inform us of penetration or load testing in advance, this should only be completed between 10pm - 6am NZ time.

We reserve the Right to block IP addresses or turn off websites if they are overwhelming resources due to unusual activity (e.g. DDoS attack).